> how to set your image on folder - TECH UPDATE

how to set your image on folder

my inspration is hafiz

In this above video i am showing about how to set the image on folder

1.first pick the  photo

2.right click on it you will see the open with option click on it and then open it in plant

3.you will see the resize option in home tab

4.click on it and go pixel give 70 in vertical tab automatically horizontal tab filled

5.click ok and save as with .ico extension and save as type is 24 bit bitmap

6.right click on folder click properties go customize option you will see the folder icon option

7.click on it and select the picture which is Ico extension in 24 bit bitmap  

8.click ok you will see the picture on folder i.e image icon

how to set your image on folder how to set your image on folder Reviewed by TECH UPDATE on November 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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