The First of the Kali Linux is How to install the kali linux in VMware. The basic commands are start from part-2.
In this part-2 you just know how to create multiple windows , how to create text document in terminal
You should definitely learn some commands for this .
1) For Changing the directory you will use cd (changing directory ) for example i want to create a folder on desktop just use this command in terminal
cd desktop
mkdir foldernames enter
After you will see a picture like this(previously i created charan and kali live)
without terminal it is also very easy to create a folder in kali linux. Press Shift+Ctrl+N or right click click on new folder and give the name
2) For creating the text document just use cat command .These two steps are enough for creating the any text document in desktop or anywhere .
I think this information enough for creating the text file or folder in Kali Linux Operating System.
How to create folder and text document in kali linux
Reviewed by TECH UPDATE
January 10, 2018

cool thanks bro