Gradle - Fabricating Systems Hacker rank Hands-On Solutions
The main agenda of these solution is those who are unable to do this course due to facing some issues, a little bit of lack of knowledge on these hands-on questions. Try to understand these codes and solve your hands-On Problems. (Not encourage copy and paste these solutions)
The Course Id is 55935.
1. Gradle program to generate Fibonacci Series
def fib(n)
int first_num = 1
int second_num = 1
println first_num
else if(n==2)
println first_num + " "+second_num
else if (n > 2)
print first_num + " "+second_num
int i = 3
int z = first_num + second_num
print " "+z
first_num = second_num
second_num = z
i = i+1
task fibo(){
int n = Integer.parseInt(num)
println "First"+n+"fibonacci numbers:"
fib n
2. Gradle program to define dependency tasks
task hello
task hello
println tasks.getByPath('taskA').path
println tasks.getByPath('independent task').path
println tasks.getByPath('taskB').path
println tasks.getByPath('dependent on taskA').path
3. Gradle program to calculate area of circle and square
task circle {
doLast {
double area = (22/7)*Double.parseDouble(radius)*Double.parseDouble(radius)
println 'area of circle is = '+area
task square {
doLast {
double area = Double.parseDouble(side)*Double.parseDouble(side)
println 'area of circle is = '+area
Gradle - Fabricating Systems Hacker-rank Hands-On Solutions
Reviewed by TECH UPDATE
January 24, 2022
Can you please provide the hands-on for R basics, course id 55101
ReplyDeleteHey guys, the Gradle program to define dependency tasks solution isn't working for me. What could be wrong? Please help!
ReplyDeleteThe test case of Program with gradle dependency tasks is not working. Anyone has any other code
ReplyDelete2. Gradle program to define dependency tasks - DOESNT WORK. it keeps failing
ReplyDeleteBro gradle 2nd handson test cases failed
ReplyDeleteIn Gradle program to define dependency tasks : I'm getting an error as ProjectA not found what should I need to change can you please help me
ReplyDeleteGradle program to define dependency tasks Correct Code
ReplyDeletetask taskA {
doLast {
println "independent task"
task taskB {
dependsOn taskA
doLast {
println "dependent on taskA"
Gradle program to define dependency tasks Correct Code