> how to install windows 7 in vmware - TECH UPDATE

how to install windows 7 in vmware

Above video i am showing about how to install windows 7 operating system in vmware software

Just follow these commands for installing windows 7 os in vmware
1) Install vmware software in your computer
2)Download windows 7 os
3) After installing complete open your vmware you will a picture like this and click on create a new virtual machine.
4)After click on the create a new virtual machine you will see two commands click on typical after click on next button.
5) Give the iso file of the windows 7 in installer disc image file. If you have product key of windows 7 type in that and give the name further click on next.

6) Give the hard disk space and ram For example if you give the more ram to your vmwarer at that time your vmware works smoothly otherwise you will face problems like lags or struct etc.
 7)Finally click on run which is in green color and beside  the help button
8) After automatically installation start in your vmware but it almost 20 minutes time would be taken be patience and don't press any key while installing windows 7 os in your vmware.

If you follow these steps exactly your windows 7 operating system installed in vmware  has been completed. 
how to install windows 7 in vmware how to install windows 7 in vmware Reviewed by TECH UPDATE on February 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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