> control pane restriction problem in computer || control panel setting - TECH UPDATE

control pane restriction problem in computer || control panel setting

Above video i am showing about how to solve the control panel opening problem in computer
sometimes if you click the control panel you will see This operation has been cancelled due to restriction in effect on this computer.Please contact your system administrator.
By using this commands you can solve that type of problem
1) Open run(win+r) and type gpedit.msc 
2) A new window is appear click on administrative tools after click on control panel
3)click on the prohibit access to control panel and pc settings 

4)  Click on not configured if it is enable or disabled 

5) Finally click on apply and ok check your control panel is opening or not 100% your control panel is always working 

control pane restriction problem in computer || control panel setting control pane restriction problem in computer || control panel setting Reviewed by TECH UPDATE on December 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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